Trips Fashion, Family and Biophysics: Why Wellness Can Be Anything That Sparks Joy

Fashion, Family and Biophysics: Why Wellness Can Be Anything That Sparks Joy

Shayoon Mendeluk is a celebrity healer, mom of two & icon of female empowerment. She has fun, fascinating tips for an amazing wellness trip.


By Shayoon Published on Aug 01, 2023, 11:46 AM

Fashion, Family and Biophysics: Why Wellness Can Be Anything That Sparks Joy

Shayoon is a celebrity healer, mom of two, and icon of female empowerment. What better person to share her outside-the-box tips for the ultimate wellness experience? Exclusively for our T+L readers, Shayoon offers not just a simple daily wellbeing routine you can follow while traveling, but also how to bring your kids into the wellness picture in natural and formative ways, and why fashion and self-expression are a key part of a healthy lifestyle.

Strength Not Size

LIKE MANY READERS OF Travel+Leisure, my kind of getaway is a rejuvenating escape where you can focus on your wellbeing while immersing yourself in luxury. But I’m here to tell you that doesn’t have to mean practicing ascetic solitude in glorified pajamas. No! I want to share with you my wellness routine while traveling – which includes having fun adventures with my kids, glamming it up in clothes that make me feel beautiful, and constantly being on the lookout for new innovations that help me discover things about myself. 

Shayoon Mendeluk at Six Senses Zighy Bay

Shayoon’s top wellness tips while traveling

By incorporating these wellness-focused practices into your travels, you can create a balance between exploration and self-care, ensuring a truly transformative experience. 

1. Morning Meditation Start your day on a serene note by incorporating a meditation session into your morning routine. As a healer, I find this rule non-negotiable. Always say check in with yourself before you check in with the world. (Also, if you are traveling with your kids, teach this. My kids pray before they play!) Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Embrace the present moment, have gratitude, and set positive intentions for the day ahead. This mindful practice will promote mental clarity and reduce stress, helping you stay centered during your travels. I highly recommend our Lightforce Center mediations. You can find them here: www.thelightforcecenter.com/redpill

2. Eat Clean as Much as Possible I know it’s hard when you have gourmet everything staring at you but try to make it fun with local cuisine exploration: keep your taste buds happy and your body nourished by seeking out local, whole-food options during your travels. Experiment with traditional dishes that are rich in flavors and heirloom ingredients. Embrace the opportunity to try new fruits, vegetables and spices. Eating fresh, nutrient-dense meals will provide you with the energy you need to enjoy your adventures fully.

3. Digital Detox In today’s digital age, it’s essential to take moments to unplug and fully enjoy your surroundings. Schedule dedicated periods of time each day to disconnect from your devices and immerse yourself in the present moment. Whether it’s switching off your phone during meals or designating a technology-free hour before bed and/or no screens in the morning, these breaks will help you recharge and fully engage with your travel experiences.

Shayoon Mendeluk at Six Senses Zighy Bay

4. Cultural Immersion Embrace the local culture and traditions of your destination as a part of your wellness journey. Engage in activities such as learning a few basic phrases of the local language, trying out traditional dances or music, or participating in a cultural ceremony. This immersive experience will broaden your perspective, deepen your connections, and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing.

Shayoon is a mom of two. Here are her 4 favorite wellness tips for parents and kids to practice together

By following these tips, you are sure to have an enjoyable and healthy vacation for your whole family.

Six Senses Zighy Bay
Images courtesy of Six Senses Zighy Bay

1. Work Out Together Encourage your kids to stay active by incorporating family-friendly workouts into your daily routine. This isn’t hard to continue on vacation. We recently stayed at Six Senses Zighy Bay, which offers outdoor activities like yoga, Pilates, and hiking, which makes it easy to enjoy exercise together. Our favorite way to start the day is definitely morning dips in the sea, and of course kids love so much pool time. The resort has one of the most stunning infinity pools in the world!

2. Try to Limit Screen Time When in nature, there is no reason for screens unless it’s a camera to capture the memories! Try various activities, including water sports, sunset cruises, and desert safaris that will keep your kids occupied and disconnected from screens. Make quality time and connection a priority and they will forget about the screens.

3. Join Kiddie Activities Look for hotels that really care about intellectually and creatively stimulating your children. Six Senses Zighy Bay offers kids club activities such as cooking classes, arts, and crafts, storytelling, and many other interesting and wellness-oriented programs. By enrolling your kids in these activities, they will have a chance to learn a new skill while making friends.

4. Remember to Relax Taking a vacation can be stressful, especially when going on a trip with kids. Make sure to take some time off and relax by visiting the resort’s spa services or enjoying some downtime by the pool or on the beach. Remember to take deep breaths and enjoy the moment; this will inspire your children to follow a healthy practice of taking mindful retreats on their own.

Say yes to the dress! Shayoon says incorporating fashion and spirituality into your wellness journey can add depth and personal expression to your experience

By incorporating fashion and spirituality into your wellness journey, you add elements of self-expression, self-care, mindfulness and connection. Embrace these aspects as complementary components of your holistic wellbeing. It’s all about feeling good in the way that feels most natural to you.

Shayoon Mendeluk

1. Self-Expression Fashion is a form of art and self-expression. By dressing in a way that reflects your personal style and makes you feel confident, you are nurturing your wellbeing. When you feel good about how you look, it enhances your self-esteem and overall sense of wellness.

2. Mindful Choices Choosing sustainable and ethical fashion options aligns with wellness principles. By supporting brands that prioritize eco-friendly practices and fair trade, you contribute to the wellbeing of the planet and support responsible consumption.

Shayoon Mendeluk at Six Senses Zighy Bay

3. Body Positivity Embrace your body and celebrate its uniqueness through fashion. Dress in ways that make you feel comfortable and accentuate your best features. Developing a positive body image is an important part of your wellness journey.

What Shayoon discovered about herself on her most recent trip

For a wealth of wellness innovations, look no further than Six Senses Zighy Bay, an exquisite resort nestled in a picturesque location in Oman. I was immediately captivated by the serene surroundings. Sandy paths, towering date palm trees, and plump lime bushes created an oasis of tranquility. This sanctuary of wellness embraces local healing traditions and incorporates the latest in smart technology, offering a truly unique experience.

One of the highlights of my stay was the comprehensive wellness screening offered by Six Senses. This non-invasive analysis delved into my key biomarkers and helped me understand what my body truly needed. The quick and simple process, combined with a discussion about my lifestyle, allowed for a personalized approach to my wellness journey. I couldn’t believe how accurate the feedback was. I loved this test, as most places don’t offer such in depth evaluations. I based my time at Zighy Bay around treatments and activities that matched what my results said I needed… while still keeping up with my everyday wellness priorities for me and my family. 



Images courtesy of Shayoon, unless otherwise noted.
Shayoon’s outfits courtesy of:

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